The Chinese reassessment of interdependence

The clear-eyed guard against misfortune, and the wise plan for disasters the future may bring. 明者防祸于未萌,智者图患于将来 –A Three Kingdoms saying, quoted by Xi Jinping on May 19, 2015 This article analyzes trends in Chinese views of the U.S.-China interdependence from Xi Jinping’s rise to power to the COVID-19 pandemic. Xi put forward an expansive vision … more

Do we understand China? A lesson from dealing with COVID-19

Western society needs to be more empathetic to China. Political agendas and deteriorated journalism integrity have stood in the way of information and communication. Such a trend benefits no one and imposes a danger to the world. From the emergence of the first COVID-19 case on 1 December 2019 in Wuhan to 22 January 2020 … more

Neican: 7 June 2020

China Neican is a weekly column of the China Story blog that brings you concise, timely, and policy-focused analysis. Neican 内参 or “internal reference” are limited circulation reports only for the eyes of high-ranking officials in China, dealing with topics deemed too sensitive for public consumption. But rest assured, everyone is welcome to read what we write. … more

June 4th reflections

To commemorate June 4th, we asked our contributors to reflect on what June 4th, 1989 means to them, and here is what they came back to us with. SHOW Ying-Xin (Postdoctoral Fellow at School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University) When it happened on June 4th, 1989, I was not even one year … more

The State of Victoria and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: where does it leave Victorians?

The COVID-19 pandemic has ignited new debate on China’s flagship foreign policy, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Australia’s relationship with China remains vitally important in facilitating its economic recovery in a post COVID-19 world and determining what the roadmap will entail. In navigating through the Victorian state government’s signing to the BRI, the ramifications … more

The future of China’s nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine force

China finally achieved an operational underwater nuclear capability in recent years, almost six decades after it first launched its nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) program in the late 1950s. The deployment of the Jin-class (Type 094) SSBNs armed with JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) marks a new stage in the evolution of China’s sea-based nuclear … more

Neican: 31 May 2020

China Neican is a weekly column of the China Story blog that brings you concise, timely, and policy-focused analysis. Neican 内参 or “internal reference” are limited circulation reports only for the eyes of high-ranking officials in China, dealing with topics deemed too sensitive for public consumption. But rest assured, everyone is welcome to read what we write. … more

Why Chinese can become a global language

Most commentators, including those in academia and the media, maintain that the difficulty of its character-based writing system will prevent Chinese from becoming a global language. However, much of this discussion is founded on flawed assumptions about ‘proficiency’, technological advances in language learning and usage, an excessive focus on the challenging features of Chinese characters … more

China’s space ambition – to the moon and beyond

China has ambitious plans for its space program, that encompass a ‘China Space Dream’ which would see it become the world’s leading space power by 2045, and challenge the traditional leadership in space of the United States from the 2030s. The Space Dream extends from the edge of space, in low-Earth Orbit, to the Moon … more

COVID-19 and China’s soft power ambitions

For many years, China has been a major contributor to global development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Much of this Chinese South-South Cooperation (SSC) has flown under the radar of Western media and traditional aid discourse. Chinese aid, including its humanitarian assistance, is political and a core element of the country’s foreign policy. In … more