Thank you for considering contributing to China Story! The blog is aimed at the general audience with an interest in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora.
We want to make your article accessible to as many people as possible. So please use plain English and minimise academic jargon.
Ultimately, we are looking for accessible writing with clear and logical arguments.
About us
The China Story blog publishes analyses and commentaries on China-related issues. These include international affairs, politics, history, and culture and society. Through this, our intention is to inform public discussion and policy debates.
The China Story is created by the Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) at the Australian National University. The editorial Board comprises CIW Director Jane Golley, CIW academics Ari Heinrich and Matthew Galway, and Managing Editors Yun Jiang and Adam Ni.
Editorial process
You can get in touch with us in the first instance via the Contact Form or email. If we are interested in your pitch, then we will ask you for a draft.
Along with your draft, please include a one sentence biography, one headshot, and your Twitter handle (if available).
We will aim for a quick turnaround once we receive your draft. That timeframe varies depending on our workload and priorities. Generally, you will hear back from us within five days.
Articles should start with a short summary paragraph that concisely captures your key message. If readers only read that paragraph and no further, what do you want them to take away? Please keep this paragraph to around 100 words.
The optimal length for our articles is around 800 words. There is some flexibility, but please keep it under 1200 words. In rare instances, we will consider publishing longer articles.
Extra tips
- Factual accuracy is essential.
- Clear logical steps in your argument.
- Prioritise — most important points first.
- Short sentences. Short paragraphs.
- Use section headings as signposts.
- Keep your main points to three or under.
- Better to explain fewer points than to list more points.
- Fully articulate your assumptions.
- Avoid passive sentences.
- Avoid jargon and abbreviations.
- Dot points and lists are ok.
- First person narrative is ok.
- Use hyperlinks for referencing.
- Pictures, Tweets & other media welcome.
Final words
As editors, we feel it is a privilege to be able to work with you to inform public discussions and policy debates on China issues. Writing is hard, we know that, so thank you!