The Australia-China trade war: Vale the ‘grand bargain’?

For several decades, a ‘grand bargain’ has underpinned Australia-China ties. Recognising economic opportunities exist alongside diplomatic friction points, both sides sought to maintain a separation between the political and economic domains of the relationship. But with the recent outbreak of a COVID-19 dispute, which has led to a bilateral trade war over barley and beef, … more

Neican: 17 May 2020

China Neican is a weekly column of the China Story blog that brings you concise, timely, and policy-focused analysis. Neican 内参 or “internal reference” are limited circulation reports only for the eyes of high-ranking officials in China, dealing with topics deemed too sensitive for public consumption. But rest assured, everyone is welcome to read what we write. … more

The latest China drama, made in Australia

No news is good news, a trusted truism that is now apt in the Australian media coverage of China. The recent media frenzy over the Chinese Ambassador’s comments is a case in point. When the largely cathartic benefits of the show recede, the most likely future dividend of the compounded mutual distrust is yet another … more

Cooler headlines must prevail in Australia-China debates 

Chinese Ambassador Cheng’s supposed ‘threat’ to ‘boycott’ Australian goods dominated newspaper headlines across Australia last week. I’d like to explain here why I thought those headlines pushed the ‘news’ too far. The (Subjective) Facts After reading various newspaper reports, I found my way to the source of the information: an interview by Australian Financial Review … more

Neican: 3 May 2020

China Neican is a weekly China brief that brings you concise, timely, and policy-focused analysis. Neican 内参 or “internal reference” are limited circulation reports only for the eyes of high-ranking officials in China, dealing with topics deemed too sensitive for public consumption. But rest assured, everyone is welcome to read what we write. 1. Two … more

A turning point, or a storm in a wine glass?

Last Friday, Ambassador Cheng Jingye’s musings that people in China might reduce their consumption of Australian beef and wine exports have set off an intense, ongoing stoush between his embassy and Australian officials. But Cheng is only telling us what should already be obvious: the COVID blame game is stoking animosity towards China and its … more

Neican: 26 April 2020

China Neican is a weekly analysis of China-related current affairs edited by Yun Jiang and Adam Ni. Many of us are drowning in China news and analyses. There is just so much of it out there. Trying to make sense of it all is time-consuming, difficult and exhausting work. Neican aims to keep you updated on … more

COVID-19 racism echoes historical anti-Chinese sentiment

COVID-19 has resulted in racist abuse and unsubstantiated claims of hoarding against Chinese and other Asian-Australians. Narratives about disease and competition for resources echo themes in anti-Chinese campaigns during the 19th century that shaped Australia’s identity. The Australian government has failed to adopt policies to educate the community about casual racism, making these deeply rooted … more