Mao Yushi 茅于轼

Mao Yushi 茅于轼, a declared liberal economist, is one of China’s best known advocates of government policy reform and an outspoken critic of the neo-Maoist left. Hailed as a ‘national treasure’ 国宝 by his fans, Mao has also attracted a significant number of detractors, some of whom accuse him of being a ‘traitor to the … more

Mo Luo 摩罗

Mo Luo 摩罗 is an essayist and cultural critic associated with the Institute of Chinese Culture at the Chinese National Academy of Arts 中国艺术研究院中国文化研究所. Born Wan Songsheng 万松生 in 1961, he took his pen name from a famously difficult essay by Lu Xun, ‘On The Power of Mara Poetry’ 摩罗诗力说. Mara is a Sanskrit term for the demon … more